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Personalized, in-home medication care.

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Order Prescription Refills

Pharmacist orders refills of medications that have less than a 30-day supply at home.

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Prescription Delivery

Pharmacist picks up prescription and over-the-counter medications at pharmacy and delivers them to client’s home.

pillbox medfolio cares

Fill 4 Weekly Pillboxes

Pharmacist fills a 30-day supply of medications into 4 weekly pillboxes.

If new medications are prescribed, discontinued, or dosages change before monthly visit, pharmacist will visit client within 24-48 hours to modify pillboxes and pick up/deliver medications from pharmacy.

form medfolio cares

Documentation and Plan

Pharmacist sends monthly report that includes an updated medication list and adherence status to client, family/caregiver, home health care agency, and/or healthcare provider.

Pharmacist provides client with customized medication identification booklet to make them aware of the medications they are taking and to provide proof of home medication usage to healthcare providers.

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Additional Services

  • Blood Pressure checks.
  • Blood Glucose Fingerstick checks.
  • Anticoagulation Home Monitoring (for warfarin).
  • Insurance billing issues. If insurance will not cover certain medications, will work with pharmacy/MD/insurance to look for alternatives.
  • Consolidate dispensing pharmacies to reduce risk of drug interactions, auto-refills, and confusion.

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